health tips necessary blood tests before marriage for couples

Pre Marriage Medical Test : In our country, it is very important to match horoscopes and Gunas before marriage. If the horoscopes do not match, it is believed that there can be a rift in the relationship. It is very important for the bride and groom to be physically fit before marriage, so that there is no problem after marriage.

In such a situation, the couple is advised to get some medical tests done before marriage. One of these is a blood test, which one should not hesitate to get done, because it determines the health future of the entire life.

Why is a blood test necessary before marriage?
Before marriage, you should know the blood group of your future life partner. You should also give information about RH blood type. Based on the results of these blood groups, you can get help in living a healthy life in the future and getting a healthy family.

Knowing the blood group is important for future pregnancy and the healthy life of the child. Because, based on the blood groups of the parents, the child may be at risk of many serious diseases in the future. According to health experts, if the blood group of any of the parents is negative, then problems like excessive blood flow may occur at the time of delivery.

Get this blood test done before marriage
If the blood group of the husband and wife is not compatible, then there can be problems during pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that the Rh factor of the partners is the same. In such a situation, a blood group compatibility test is very important before marriage.

Thalassemia blood test must be done
Some diseases are caused due to genetic reasons. These include serious and incurable diseases like Type 1 diabetes and Thalassemia. Thalassemia is a type of blood disorder for which no permanent cure has been found yet. In such a situation, people who are going to get married should get a blood test done to have a healthy child as parents in the future.

  • If you are going to get married then it is very important to get a genotype test done.
  • In such a situation, along with getting the blood group test done, HIV test should also be done.
  • It is very important to get tested for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C before marriage. This reduces the risk of the disease spreading.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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